Saturday, August 30, 2008

The big vote

It's a good thing that I'm a tough hen and don't get my feelings hurt too easily. The voter turnout on my poll was an abysmal failure. Only one person voted... heck!.. Only one person visited the blog that day. Sheesh! Where has my readership flown to? The macaws won with a landslide vote of ONE!!

Exhibit A): Military macaw smiling for the camera while getting a head massage (SO relaxing!)
Exhibit B): Green winged macaw caught in the napping pose.

Exhibit C): Military macaw playing with toy and ignoring the photographer's request to sit still for a second.
Exhibit D): The green winged macaw awake and snacking on some dried fruit is giving his favorite photographer the 'come here' look and gesturing with his foot.


Stephanie said...

Well, at least your one reader is now a happy one! :) Love the Macaw pics. What about the little Hahn's? They're so amazingly small for a Macaw.

One smart blue headed pionus said...

I will remind my human to take a picture of the Hahn's macaws so they don't feel left out.

Sharon said...

Oh well not every election has a great turn out! Nice blog I loved the pics on the "Violet Limelight" post!

One smart blue headed pionus said...

Sharon- Thank you!& Thanks for visiting!